Authenticity Guides Me Home
Leaving my once comfortable existence to embrace my raw, true being has been a bumpy journey.
I've experienced some hardships in recent weeks.
This morning, I finally could take a break from trying to survive. Before the world woke up, I took my little dog Leo to the small park nearby - this semi-wild park filled with tall trees.
Running in nature is Leo's favourite activity. He alternates between racing like a rocket and rabbit-hopping - jumping joyfully like a rabbit.
Watching Leo hop and run brought me smiles and laughter. I could feel the freshness of air on my face. Translucent yellow daffodils - the earliest blossoms in the spring - poked out from the ground. The world was quiet. The tranquillity of this early morning soothed me.
My heart and body felt calm and relaxed. Although I could have had one million reasons to worry, I was not worried. Despite all the difficulties, I wouldn't change a thing about my journey.
It's a journey filled with creativity, joy and love. It's a journey of authenticity and self-discovery.
On this unfolding self-discovery journey, I started to pay attention to the moments that fill me with contentment.
Cooking, creative expression through writing and creating beauty, being in nature, and being with Leo are not just my hobbies or pastimes; they connect me to who I truly am. I understood what it feels like to be truly alive.
I'm content in a heartfelt life filled with tender moments with loved ones because I feel deeply. I lose myself in creating and expressing beauty and truth because there's an artist in me that cannot be suppressed. I'm spiritual, feeling connected to living beings, and nature's beauty touches my soul.
In many ways, I'm not that different from the girl I was at fifteen. It took my healing and spiritual journey to return to my authentic self.
The alignment of our inner selves and outer beings gifts us with harmony. Our bodies are more relaxed. We're less on alert or defensive. We're more open and spontaneous, embracing life's flow. We feel serenity inside, and the external conditions have less control over us. Freedom to create a life true to our souls comes along.
Looking forward to the future, I intend always to make choices that are true to my commitment to an authentic life. These choices will fill me with moments of meaning and contentment, a great life true to my soul.
The path to genuine happiness and fulfilment lies in being true to oneself and recognizing and honouring the unique light we bring to the world.
Authenticity, indeed, is my pathway home, a journey filled with lessons of love, truth, and inner peace.