Meal Prep Packages
Nourish your body, your spirit will flourish
Simple and delicious dishes
for health-conscious individuals
Variety of nutrients: protein, vegetables,
Occasional carbs
Clean and healthy cooking
May include dish repeats
Starting from £68 weekly ; (New Client Holiday Offer: £58 weekly BOOK NOW)
Blanched Kale with Chicken, Almond Flakes & Chillies
Baked Salmon with Cauliflower, Parsley & Garlic
Beef and Cucumber Salad with Coconut Oil and Lime Juice
Chinese Chicken Pot with Potato and five spices
Braised Tofu with Garden Peas and Parsley
Nutrition-dense one-pot dishes
Lean protein (fish, lean meat, poultry, plant), two fresh (seasonal) vegetables, wholemeal carbs
Clean cooking for your health
prioritising unprocessed whole food; minimising store-bought sauces; no cream, no butter, low sugar, low salt
Real Asian and Mediterranean home cooking
Starting from £88 weekly for your family (New Client Holiday offer £76 weekly, BOOK NOW)
Italian Lamb Ragu, White Beans and Vegetables with Paccheri Pasta
Chinese Steamed Sea Bass with Ginger, Spring Onions + Sauteed Bok Choy
Korean Chicken Japchae (Sweet Potato Glass Noodles) with Vegetables
Japanese Miso Glazed Salmon with Aubergine and White Mooli Salad
Portuguese Fish and Beans Stew
Elevated gastronomic experience
keeps daily living joyful and adventurous
Exquisite Mediterranean and Asian culinary craftsmanship
with a wide selection of dishes from Asia and the Mediterranean - Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and more
Ultimate freedom to personalise your culinary experience
elect your choice of dishes, the number of dishes, and the cuisine or combination that suits your palate
£40 - £48 per hour, minimum 3 hours
Beautiful Jade Dumplings with Chinese Cabbage and Pork
Italian Venetian Prawns
Japanese Prawn Unigiri Wrapped in Seaweed
Steamed Scallops with Minced Garlic and Rice Vermicelli
Vietnamese Beef Pho Noodle Soup
Korean Beef Bulgogi with Vegetables
Blanched Squid with Ginger, Spring Onions and Sesame Oil